Funny Money

They say money talks – and Crazy 8s starts teaching the kids that language. This session showed kids the basic flow: You work a job to earn money, you pay taxes, you buy things with money and you can give money to charities.

There’s SO much more to learn about money, so keep the fun going. For starters, here’s a Party Fun Fact to explore: A stack of dimes and an equal value stack of quarters (e.g. 50 cents of each) will have the exact same weight! If you have a kitchen scale, gather dimes and quarters and prove it together with your kids. If you don’t have a scale, you can build this easy balancing scale.

On a different, spatial note, the geometric twisty-snake your kid “bought” at Crazy 8s has 24 segments and infinite cool ways to twist them. Try creating these challenge shapes!